


KMB Dennis Trident 12metres (ATR)
On May 1997, the first Dennis Trident 12metres on delivery to the Kowloon Motor Bus, started its serving-life in Hong Kong. Upon to the end of October 2000, totally 298 Trident 12metres have been registered and put into services. However, it is found that their specifications make it very complicated in their fleet-number arrangement.
All the 298 Trident 12metres are powered by the Cummins M11-305E engine which fulfilled the Euro II standard. This type of M11 engine have a cylinder capacity of 10.8litres, and can perform the maximum power output 305hp @ 1900rpm and maximum torque of 1250Nm @ 1200rpm.
About the transmission of these Trident, there are 187 Tridents originally fitted with Voith DIWA863.3 3-speed automatic gearbox, included ATR1-ATR100 and ATR102-ATR188. However, the gearbox of ATR17 have changed into Voith DIWA864.3 3-speed automatic gearbox for trial. For the ATR101 and ATR189-ATR268, the gearbox they installed are changed to use the ZP 5HP590 5-speed automatic gearbox. Finally, the last 30 Tridents, ATR269-ATR298, are all fitted the Voith DIWA864.3 3-speed automatic gearbox.
And about the bodywork, totally 118 Tridents are fitted with Walter Alexander ALX500 bodywork included the prototype ATR1 and ATR101. The main difference of the prototype and the production-type can be found in the staircase panel on the off-side, the two prototypes are using to aluminum sheets where the production-type are fitted with matt black glazing. The exit-doorways of the prototypes are also located in the places immediately after the front-axle while the production-type are placed exactly middle of the whole bodywork. The maximum passenger capacity of the prototypes is 124, i.e.U57/L29+S38, and the production-type one is either 129, i.e.U59/L28+S44, or 131, i.e.U59/L28+S44, depending on the arrangement of the seating allocation on the rear-axle. All the Walter Alexander ALX500 bodied Trident are using the plastic destination display plate.
For the Duple Metsec DM5000 bodywork, totally 180 bodies have been fitted onto the Tridents. Including 70 in ATR2-ATR188 and 110 in ATR189-ATR198. For the batch in ATR2-ATR188, the bodywork are mixed together on Alexander and Duple Metsec and difficult to separate each other. However, we can see that there are three different batches in these 180 Duple Metsec DM5000 bodywork. In the first batch of 40, ATR2-ATR131, the rear destination displayer is located on the emergency exit window, the fuel-injector is in a special design. The passenger capacity is 129 with U59/L29+S41. After that, the second batch of 30, the rear destination displayer is relocated under the emergency exit window, the arrangement of the seating allocation on the rear-axle also changed into facing backward. The passenger capacity is 131 with U59/L31+S41. Finally, for the last batch of 110, the overall arrangement is very similar to the second batch. But the electronic destination panel is being used instead of the traditional plastic plates.










