Volvo Olympian 11.3metres / 12metres

In the early of May 1997, there were some Volvo Olympian 12metres assembled and painted with orange and white livery. They were belongs to Long Win Bus Co. Ltd. (LWB) which is a subsidiary of Kowloon Motor Bus.

On May 22 of 1997, LWB started its operations with its first bus route Rt.E31 serving between Tung Chung Town Centre and Tsuen Wan Ferry. In that moment, only 10 Volvo Olympian were being acquired in LWB fleets. Later, LWB borrowed totally 5 Volvo Olympian 11.3metres from KMB that had original fleets numbers as AV238 - AV242.

As the delivery of 150 Dennis Trident 12metres had been finished and put into services in 1999, those Volvo Olympian 11metres were back to the services on KMB. Another batch of Olympian, the Volvo Olympian 12metres, were also transferred to KMB and fleeted as 3AV339 - 3AV348. This made the LWB fleets only consisted of 'Dennis made' buses.