


NWFB Dennis Trident 10.6metres / Duple Metsec DM5000 bodywork prototype
In the mid of 1998, Duple Metsec assembled two Duple Metsec DM5000 bodywork prototypes onto two Dennis Trident 10.6metres chassis. They are #30226 and #30224. The #30226 had bodied with the single-doorways version and sold to Citybus HK, but the another Trident chassis (#30244) had bodied with the dual-doorways version and kept by Duple Metsec for demonstration to the UK customers.
After the demonstration performed for two years, the dual-doorways Duple Metsec DM5000 bodied Dennis Trident 10.6metres (#30244) had delivered to Hong Kong. In the time of delivery, the bus have been painted with the New World First Bus's standard livery, thus it can easily to know who the owner is.
In September 2000, the bus has been registered and has a license as JT480. With the fleet number #3601, it is being the only Duple bodied Trident 10.6m in NWFB's fleets. In its early serving, its electronic destination displayer cannot display any routes as it does not support Chinese interface. This situation has been kept for around a year and NWFB has changed a Hanover displayer for it afterward.
License Number: JT480 ( #3601 )
Chassis Number: SFD211BR1VGT30244
Model: DENNIS Trident III
Engine: Cummins M11-305E
Cylinder capacity: 10,800cc
Maximum power output: 305bhp @ 1900rpm
Maximum torque output: 1,250Nm @ 1200rpm
Transmission: Voith DIWA-863.3
Bodywork: Duple Metsec DM5000
Capacity: U51 / L26 + S33
Dimensions: 10,600mm (Length) / 2,500mm (Width) / 4,400mm (Height)


